Implant Dentistry
We are proud to provide the revolutionary benefits of mini dental implant dentistry. This unique approach to modern dentistry offers new opportunities for individuals who have lost one or more teeth. Even for those who have lost all of their teeth, mini dental implants offer a second chance at teeth that look, feel and function more like the teeth they were born with!
Half The Size
Mini implants are about half the size of traditional implants, and therefore don`t require as much bone structure. With less bone needed, costly,painful and time- consuming bone grafts that are usually needed with traditional implants are typically not required for minis.
Less Healing Time & Fewer Office Visits
Because mini implants are smaller, placing them is a less invasive procedure-- requiring less healing time and discomfort, and fewer visits to the dentist`s office.
Immediate Results
Because they are less invasive, and don`t require the lengthy healing time of tradtional implants, they can usually be loaded with crowns, bridges and dentures immediately.
Half the Cost
In most cases, the mini implant is less than half the cost of a traditional implant.
No More Decay